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Jun, 2020

COVID-19 Return to Play Guidelines

As Manasota players return to play all players and parents are expected to follow the following guidelines in order to minimize the transmission of COVID-19.  This is a living document and will change over time based on the guidance of Manatee County Government and Healthcare professionals.

Practices and tryouts through June 31st (Phase I):
  • All players parents and coaches are expected to practice 6ft social distancing whenever possible. This includes team meetings, player rest periods and coaching lectures.
  • All players and coaches are expected to wear cloth face coverings from the time they arrive at the fields until they leave. Manasota considers thin easily breathable cloth face coverings to be part of every players equipment.  Soccer is a close contact sport. Coaches will modify training duration to match the increased effort caused by wearing a face covering.  Any player who needs to rest in order to catch their breath while training with a face covering is encouraged to do so.  Coaches are expected to monitor player fatigue and adjust training difficulty to accommodate the wearing of cloth face coverings.
  • Hand sanitizer will be provided to coaches and available to all players before, during and after training sessions.  Players and coaches are encourage to sanitize their hands frequently.
  • All players are expected to bring their own individual water container and no sharing is allowed.
  • The club house is considered closed to everyone except club administration through June 31st.  All common horizontal surfaces will be wiped down and disinfected before and after use.
  • Players and coaches will be asked if they have been in contact with anyone who has had flu like or COVID-19 like symptoms at each gathering. If the answer is yes they will be not be allowed to participate that day and parents will be notified and the coach will record that the player was sent home.
  • Players will be asked if they feel sick. If the answer is yes they will be not be allowed to participate that day and parents will be notified and the coach will record that the player was sent home.
  • Players and coaches will have their temperatures taken on arrival. Anyone with a temperature of 100.4 or higher will be asked to leave.
  • Players and Coaches may only attend their assigned practices and games until further notice unless approved by Manasota Administration.  Coaches can attend other teams practices to provide training as long as the league is made aware of the dates and times in writing.
  • Everyone is expected to both arrive at and leave the fields on time.  If you practice is over you will be asked to leave. 
  • Parents until further notice are not permitted on the fields during practice, training or tryouts.  You are asked to please remain in your cars, drop off or wait outside the fenced areas.
  • Full games will not be permitted at this time we will update this plan when full games are permitted.
  • The maximum capacity of the full size soccer fields in 30 people this is 50% of the full 60 people who will be allowed eventually.
  • All cloth training equipment will be washed after every use.  Teams will not be permitted to share training equipment.
  • Small sided games are permitted.
  • Coaches are expected to design trainings during this first phase in a way that will minimize the touching of soccer balls (except for keepers who are expected to wear gloves).
  • Handshakes and hugs are not permitted at this time.

Manasota Youth Soccer League

PO BOX 306 
Palmetto, Florida 34220
Phone : 941-720-4316
Email : [email protected]
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